The Touch Of Presence





i n t e g r a t e

Awakening To Presence
Neuronal Integration

How does one integrate science and presence? Holding shifts in consciousness takes time, and more importantly practice. Everyone can have a moment of awakening. You can spend 5 minutes in nature and be extremely alive, alert and present. However, it’s holding this, those sensations, and that which cannot be named in words just pointed to, that people struggle with the most. The state of presence as your constant background of awareness takes practice, guidance and modeling.

If you are experiencing anxiety, stress, tension, physical or emotional pain, are looking to let go of habits, thoughts, beliefs that no longer work for you, or if you are continuously feeling shamed or judged internally and externally, and looking to change even if you don’t really know exactly what that might look like? Or if you are longing for or wanting to understand yourself and others more deeply? To have deeper connections in your relationships. Or if you feel you have simply lost your basic ability to physically relax, feel calm, struggle in your responses to others, or feeling content and moving naturally through life, then Neuronal Integration may be right for you. Please click below to learn more.

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- Body Unwinding

- Customized Massage

- Ashiatsu

- John F. Barnes Myofascial Release

- Sports

- Swedish

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The Touch of Presence

1145 Gaskins Road, Suite #105
Henrico, VA 23238

Located inside
Courtside West Racquet & Fitness Center

(804) 904-9025

"Loneliness, anger, frustration, sadness, ideals, etc., are all attitudes/perceptions/thoughts of the mind, when you attach to them, using the vehicle of triggered conditioning/beliefs/perceptions (past or future), you will become, behave, and take actions as though those things are you. This simply means you are getting swept up, carried away with, and lost in those illusions, living out and creating the world in which you are seeing”

Ground . Release . Change . Connect

Our aim is to support, educate, and nurture you in helping to increase your awareness and experiences of the deepest part of you that is consistent, reliable, available, and enough, in any given moment, without judgement or shame. To allow yourself to be fully who you are, while maintaining integrity, and not trying to justify, excuse or rationalize any of your conscious or unconscious “rascal” behavior. It is an incredibly humbling and freeing experience to be here fully.

This is a practice, to really see past any conscious and more importantly the unconscious conditioned patterning, habits, behaviors, beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, etc., which are held within your body. This holding can cause physical, emotional and spiritual pain. It can halt any personal growth in all areas and aspects of your life. You can feel stuck in these habitual patterns and behaviors and not know what to do about it, leaving you feeling frustrated, angry, depressed, disconnected, and lonely. Or feeling like you have to wear a mask all the time to hide your true state or self medicate with alcohol, gummies, vape, etc., to numb yourself from it all.

We support those who are interested in developing and listening to the deeper meaning of reality, beyond the ego, neuronal circuit wiring, family or cultural conditioning, personality, anxiety, fear, etc. Using a multitude of tools, I’ll help you explore and discover a more integrated way of being. The real learning is uncovering the connection with the self while you stay in connection with your environment/others. Having real connection without thoughts, words, narratives, beliefs, simple true heartfelt connection. Naming the temporary conditioning, thought patterns, and beliefs, in the story of who you think you are is just the beginning, this practice takes you much deeper than you thought was possible. It’a a practicing, in the back and forth synchronicity between illusion and reality, until you are able to stay in the reality of you for longer periods of time.

Waking up isn’t mystical, everyone can do it. You have to be willing to recognize, look at and move through the illusions you’ve created and then focus your attention there. It takes time and commitment. This exploring is done through individual experiences (one on one with the practitioner) and collectively (in a group). When we witness ourself and bring it into contact with others, it is incredibly powerful. It’s an essential part of the real education and learning. Are you ready to break free of your trauma, stress, conditioned patterns, holding, unhappiness, etc.?

Whether you are looking for therapeutic bodywork or if you are sincerely interested in exploring the deeper aspects of the self, your story, your personality, and moving through that into diving deeper. We can help you relax, explore and discover the deeper reality and understanding of your truth. We do not push ideals, methods, religions, beliefs, or concepts. Your growth is solely your responsibility, and the pace in which you move.

Connecting with the deeper parts of yourself is like tapping into the still depths of the ocean, riding the chaotic waves on the surface. The stillness never wavers or goes away. It is always there in every present moment, calling to you like a siren, asking nothing from you only to notice what is already there.

To learn more, text, call, or book an appointment or 15 minute phone consultation today.

“I’m 100% responsible for who I am in this relationship. My task is to free myself sufficiently so that I can respond in the present moment - not from past programming. That’s what freedom is.” - Dr. Gabor Maté


Ildikó obtained her National Certification through NCBTMB in 2007 after graduating from massage school she began her career in bodywork. She is currently licensed through the Virginia Board of Nursing. She made the decision to pursue her massage/bodywork license after working as a Yoga Instructor with clients at her private studio in Pennsylvania. Inspired by her love of body mechanics, movement, and especially her desire to learn more on how human conditioning and behavior operates the decisions we make in our daily lives, she has spent her life, both personally and professionally, working on the truth of what it really means to be present and bring that into contact with others.

Ildikó practices Neuronal Integration which uses Awakening To Presence methods developed by Michael Fleming. Ildikó is an Awakening To Presence Integrated Partitioner. This type of integration is a body oriented investigative approach based in having experiences into the deeper nature of human existence.

This form of study integrates many fields which include neuroscience, psychology, anatomy and physiology, breath work, meditation, conscious movement, and more. It supports individuals seeking to release stressful beliefs, thoughts, emotional, and physical traumas that are held within the body and mind in an integrated way.

The more experiences you have with the present moment promotes neuronal changes in the circuitry, wiring, and connections within your brain. This type of mindbodyspirit training creates more flexibility, options, and capacity in making choices that work in alignment with what you truly want, a deeper connection with yourself and others, and therefore creating the life you are meant to live.

Neuronal Integration is a multi supportive way of being, which helps those who are interested in moving from identifying with the story of their mind, personality or idealistic versions of themselves, to shifting into the vast openness and connection to who you most truly are.

Neuronal Integration means aligning with the reality and holding your precious existence, while interacting with others and life. What does presence “look” like to you and being present as it exists, are two different things. Neuronal Integration methods can get you back in touch with who you really are vs who or people think you “should” or "should not” be, the false illusions and perceptions, the best “ideal” roles you play, or the conditioned patterns you were taught within a dysfunctional family system that you were shamed into performing. Those ways of being go against all of our innate abilities to be seen, heard, loved, guided and cared for as a human being.

When you are aligned in the present moment it sometimes calls for peaceful stillness, kindness, compassion, while other moments require you to stand up, state your boundaries, assert your voice and take assertive action steps. To sit back with the “appearance” of passive peacefulness while others are crossing boundaries in an aggressive manner with shame, threats, and judgment, is not presence. All beings have a right to empathy, to have their voices spoken, heard, and respected even if you disagree. Being assertive in awareness and taking action is being present vs passively sitting back and watching, turning a blind eye, or aggressively pushing your thoughts and perceptions on another.

Ildikó has dedicated the past 10 + years to this type of learning and transformation. This form of study integrates many fields which include neuroscience, psychology, anatomy and physiology, breath work, meditation, conscious movement, and more.

Ildikó combines her clinically based techniques, intuition and presence to create an individual experience for each client. She specializes in Neuronal Integration Coaching, and bodywork, Ashiatsu therapy, along with Myofascial Release, Contemporary Cupping and Facial Rejuvenation Cupping therapies.

Please welcome our new Practitioner
Mary is currently offering a massage special
$75 - 60 minutes & $115 - 90 minutes
She has weeknight, weekday, and weekend availability


Mary has been a licensed massage therapist since 2015 She specializes in Swedish, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage. Mary has gained valuable experience with a wide range of clients, treatments, and health concerns. She strongly believes in preventative maintenance; assessing and treating the body to identify problem areas to avoid injury and degeneration. She works with a qualitative and caring therapeutic touch to ensure that her clients receive the very best treatment suited to their specific needs.

“The body is a tool that can be used to experience, explore, discover and educate ourselves in how we are perceiving the world. It’s our job to question our perceptions, feel our existence fully, and allow ourselves to appropriately respond to each unfolding moment.” ~ Ildikó

Neuronal Integration Neuronal Integration, using Awakening To Presence methods developed by Michael Fleming is an experiential daily practice.

The more experiences you have with the present moment creates neuronal changes in the circuitry, wiring, and connections within your brain.

Neuronal Integration is a multi supportive way, in the integration of the bodymindspirit. It helps those who are interested in moving from identifying with the story of their mind, personality or idealistic versions of themselves, idealized body images, or rigid thoughts, perceptions, ideals and beliefs, to shifting into a vast openness and connection to who you are with each passing moment.

Neuronal Integration means aligning with what the reality is, in the deepest part of your precious existence, and having the ability to hold this state while moving through life despite the chaos around you. Basically, it helps point and hold awareness to the deep connection within ourselves, the place of safety, peacefulness and appropriate action with each unfolding moment, vs the false illusions, best idealistic versions, or the conditioned patterns which have been learned and practiced over decades, the ever changing ups and downs of chaos, confusion, and reaction.

What does presence look like to you? Is it a monk, guru or yogi sitting crossed legged in a continuously peaceful state? Or is it someone who can move with each moment as it unfolds taking appropriate action when called to do so, acting from a place of awareness, kindness and love?

We all have moments where we feel anger, wear a mask of smiles, judge ourselves or those around us, have addictions of pleasure like alcohol, food, TV, shopping, social media, tik tok, consume sugar, sex, marijuana, gummies, psychedelics, etc., using them as an escape to cope with both your outer and inner world, and you’ve reached the conclusion that you live in these states longer than you like, or if these methods no longer serve you, not for long anyways, then why not learn to practice something different?

What do you have to lose? A sense of who you thought you were? Methods that no longer serve you? If it doesn’t work, you can always go back to the old way of doing things, and live on automatic pilot, wandering through life as you always have. There is zero judgement from me.

It is a personal choice in deciding what it is you truly want in the short time we have to live in this world. Who and what are you here for? What brings meaning to your life, your existence? Serving yourself or others, or both and how will you do it? Consciously or unconsciously? Being here in the present moment or living from a continuously reactive place? Are you ready to challenge your beliefs, perceptions, ideals? Or are you happy with holding on to them? You decide.

Bodywork Where do you store your stress? In your neck, shoulders, back? Where do you store/hide or keep your emotions? Is it in your jaw, low back, hips? When we hold on to stress, repeated negative thinking, judgment of others or ourselves, it can and will manifest in the body through tension, high blood pressure, nervousness, anxiety, a feeling of unease, chronic fatigue, anger, sadness, a busy mind, addictions, loneliness, etc. and if you’ve practiced years of these different types of holding patterns your muscular, skeletal, nervous, digestive, lymphatic, immune, hormonal systems, etc., will feel it over time. It will take time and practice to allow yourself to release, let go, and relax. It may sound strange, however, initially it will take conscious effort to stop, slow down, and allow relaxation if you’re in a constant state of doing, and even if you think you’re not, you might be surprised at how much tension are holding in your body and internal systems unconsciously.

Whether you are looking to simply relax after or long day or you are are looking to dive deeper to the root cause of your habits and patterns you developed that no longer serve you, The Touch Of Presence bodyworkers will create a customized plan that works with you, in where you are, with patience, non-judgement, techniques which can challenge your perceptions and idealizations, with compassion and empathy addressing your specific needs and help create a preventive maintenance plan that’s right for you. Our practitioners specialize in one or more of the following massage techniques below.

Swedish Traditional Swedish massage using hands with a light, medium, or firm pressure. Promotes relaxation, stimulates nerve endings, increases blood flow and lymph drainage. It is much gentler than deep tissue massage and for those looking for relaxation and some tension relief. If you are looking for help with an injury or deeper work, Deep tissue/Ashiatsu is more suited for you and not those seeking a lighter touch. Each session includes a consultation regarding what you are looking to get out of your session.

Ashiatsu Therapy Ashi = Foot, Atsu = Pressure. Using massage techniques with foot compressions and overhead bars for support. The foot is broad and makes compressions smooth therefore not painful. Pressure can be adjusted at a level that's comfortable for the client for deep relaxation. It releases adhesions, held tensions, and toxins at a more rapid rate compared to traditional massage techniques. Each session includes a consultation regarding what you are looking to get out of your session.

Myofascial Release Myofascial release is done with clothes on, shorts and a sports top for women. The therapist will statically hold where the fascia is restricted for long periods of time in order to facilitate its release while encouraging the client to bring awareness and presence to any sensations in their body. Each session includes a consultation regarding what you are looking to get out of your session.

Neuronal Integration Release/Bodywork Using somatic releasing techniques which work to address the feedback loop that continuously runs on automatic pilot between the mind and the body the practitioner helps you to engage and release this feedback loop, creating more options and flexibility in the actions and decisions you make in your life. This can create a lot more freedom and less rigidity in your thoughts, perceptions and actually movement. It engages both within the unconscious places that have become stuck, trapped, or contracted around and held onto creating pent up tension, emotions, and physical pain. Over time this can lead to misperceptions of the world and others, chronic pain and fatigue, anxiety, depression, a sense of unease and feeling all alone in the world, anger, sadness, etc.

Schedule with one of our practitioners today.

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“The most difficult thing for me, and most people, is when you think that how you feel is because of what the other person does.” ~ Dr. Gabor Maté


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Available by
appointment only

Mon - Fri
8:00am - 6:30pm
Some Saturdays
8:00am - 3:30pm

Located inside
Courtside West Racquet & Fitness Center

1145 Gaskins Road,
Suite #105
Henrico, VA 23238

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi

What to expect?
Some things to keep in mind when visiting.


Neuronal Integration Bodywork Release Sessions

What is our change and cancellation policy?

What if I'm running late?

How are we responding to COVID-19?

How do payments work?

What should I tip?

What to expect?
Some things to keep in mind when visiting.

• For your first appointment, please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to fill out necessary paperwork. Your provider will bring you into the treatment room, go over your initial form, answer any questions and immediate concerns you may be having.

• After initial intake your therapist will leave the room to prepare for your service and will knock before coming back in.

• Turn off your cell phone. This is your time to focus on you.

• Allow the relaxation of the work you did. Don’t go straight back into a hard or light workout, or straight back to a grinding work day. Take time to enjoy the pleasure of letting go of the story of your conditioning and all the tension your body holds from that.


• Please fill out all necessary paperwork online prior to your appointment. If you do not receive the paperwork, via email, reach out and let us know. If you do not do this and paperwork doesn’t get filled out prior to your appointment this could result in a shortened session at your visit since appointments are carefully scheduled and it’s likely there is another client lined up to come in right after you.

• Please arrive fresh and clean. You may want to exfoliate your skin using a loofa, exfoliating mitt or glove prior to your appointment.

• No need to apologize for unshaven legs. It’s not something our therapists even think about.

• Do not come to your session feeling sick. If you are ill you can not be massaged and will need to send you home.

• Drink water before and after your appointment. Hydration helps flush out toxins, creates glowing hydrated skin, and makes you feel great. Who doesn’t want that?

• Communicate your goals and boundaries with your therapist before the sessions begins. Undress to your comfort level. Generally, the less clothing you wear it makes it easier to treat you. With Ashiatsu your therapist goes down the length of your body and it’s easier to not have anything in the way, however the therapist can work around your underwear. Please avoid bras which tend to be harder to work around. You can expect to be draped during the entirety of your massage. Gluteal massage is typically included in a full body massage, but you may opted out if that is not at your comfort level.

• Emotional/somatic release can occur during a session. If you feel uncomfortable with this and would like to stop your session get dressed and finish your session with some coaching please communicate this clearly and directly. Although emotions can surprise you, nothing will be pushed, talked about, or come up if you don’t want it to.

• Communicate! ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED. I can not stress this enough. Through out your massage if you are feeling the massage isn’t relaxing, the pressure is too much or too little, or you are needing silence that day, tell your therapist! Your voice is welcome here. Some clients get a lot out of speaking, it’s like therapy for them, however your therapist doesn’t always know if today you want to talk or you’re finished talking and want quiet. Your therapist WILL NOT be offended if you ask for what you need. You will thanked for your bravery and honesty in asking for what you need!!

Neuronal Integration Bodywork Release Sessions

• ATP/Neuronal bodywork sessions are always done with loose fitted clothing, t-shirt and shorts or sweatpants. You may bring those items with you and change into them after the therapist does discusses and asses the need with each session.

• Please arrive fresh and clean.

• Do not come to your session feeling sick for yourself and others.

• Doing this type of work can bring up a lot of emotions, physical releasing, and you will be asked to challenge yourself to feel better and work through stubborn patterning/conditioning. Communication in where you are can change quickly and often so communication is important.

• Silence is also an integral part in listening to what your body has to say as you move inward so following your practitioners instructions is in alignment of your best interest even though it may not “feel” that way. Your practitioner is here to help guide and move you in the direction of what you deeply want. Please trust the process. Your practitioner will not judge where you are however they will gently or assertively guide into the areas that you cannot see at times. Try your best to have an open mind. You will also not be forced to do anything that you do not want to do. These sessions are for your best interest.

• It is common to feel a range of emotions or have a range of insights, or being tired, relaxed or even energized after your session. Please take time in bringing focus, attention and awareness to what you experienced. This is the only way you can create longer moments of holding the release, relaxed present expanded state of being. Be sure to take it easy, take care of your needs and reached out to your practitioner or a mental health care professional if you’re feeling difficulties with what you explored or discovered.

What is our change and cancellation policy?

• Our therapists are often booked up a week or more in advance. We understand that things can come up in life however late cancelations or no shows have a direct impact on their livelihood. We ask that you call, text, or cancel online 48 hours or more in advance. Cancelations made less than 48 hours of your appointment time will be charged a fee equal to 50% of the appointment value. Same day cancellations or no shows will be charged 100% of the appointment value, as the likelihood for us to rebook the appointment time is narrowed and our therapists would otherwise go unpaid.

• Clients who cancel appointments less than 48 hours in advance, two times, will be asked to pre-pay their appointments and they will be non-refundable.

What if I'm running late?

• Arriving late for your appointment may result in your services being shortened or rescheduled and a “Missed Appointment Fee” applied.

How are we responding to COVID-19?

• It is a priority to have our clients and therapists safe. Our COVID-19 protocols are informed by the CDC, the Virginia Department of Health, and the American Massage Therapy Association.

• Masks are optional for both clients and therapists.

• Our therapists have vaccine or natural immunity against COVID-19. We test and isolate according to the CDC guidelines at the presence of symptoms or if a known exposure has occurred.

• All surfaces are cleaned and sanitized before and after each session (using medical-grade cleaning spray, laundering all materials that are machine-washable, etc.)

• Air purifier is in your treatment room.

• If you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19, including high fever, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell, we ask that you call to reschedule your appointment.

How do payments work?

• We require a credit card to hold all appointments. This allows us to enforce our cancelation policy. If you have a gift certificate you would like to use please call 804-904-9025 to schedule your appointment and be sure to bring the certificate with you at the time of your visit. Payments are taken after services are rendered unless a payment has been enforced as part of our cancelation policy, which is where we take payment prior to your appointment.

• In the future I plan on accepting credit cards however currently we accept cash, checks, Venmo and gift certificates. Gratuity may be added to gift certificates, we do however appreciate direct tipping via cash or Venmo.

What should I tip?

• This questions crosses peoples minds and we get asked this question a lot. Being a massage therapists is a physically demanding job and therapist count on gratuities. Clients who really enjoyed the service can tip anywhere from 10%, 15%, to 20% of the total service amount. Just like any service oriented profession, it’s based on how well the service was performed, in addition to your individual means.